
From neox4t wiki
Status is displayed under the name.

The status power allows you to show a status message under your name on the Visitors list.

To set a status, type "$status=Message here" into the chatbox. Do not put a space after the equals sign. To disable your status, type "$status=" into the chatbox.

If you want to stop all statuses from showing up on the user list, type "$SetStatus=off". To enable them again, type "$SetStatus=".

Note: These commands are case sensitive.

A few examples are:

  • $status=I am busy
  • $status=Currently AFK
  • $status=Be right back

You may perform further customization to your status messages via the use of Statusglow, Statuscolor, and Statusfx powers. They allow you to add custom glow, color, and animated status effects to your status messages, respectively. Please note that the Status power is required for these powers to function. For further information, click the power names.