
From neox4t wiki

Currently, this power has ongoing issues documented within the bug tracker.

Property "Bug tracker" (as page type) with input value " bug tracker" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Snakeban allows you to ban a user so that they are required to complete a snake themed mini-game to become unbanned.

The objective of Snakeban is for the banned user to eat a specific number of apples, similar to the game Snake.

The amount of apples you are required to eat depends on how long of a snakeban you have received.

How to use Snakeban

Click on the user you want to snakeban, click "Ban", enter a duration and an optional reason, and press "snakeBan".

Note: The maximum duration that you are able to snakeban a user is 100 hours.

It is also possible to use the Rapid power to snakeban users.

Example: $rapid=snakeban,6 will snakeban the user you rapid for 6 hours. Visit Rapid for more information.

Spectator Mode

Spectator mode allows you to view the progress of a user completing a snakeban.

To use this mode, you need to assign the power to your group. When a user is snakebanned will appear a brown square(with a snake) in front of his name. If you click on it will appear an application(left) and you will see his game.

High Score table

If you have the Snakeban power assigned to your chat, you can see the high scores of everyone who has been snakebanned in your chat.

To create this table, click on “edit” below your chat, enter your chat password, and create a new tab under your chat. Then, paste $$snakeban,a,b,c,d$$ onto your new tab and click on “Save changes”.

  • a is the specific duration of snakeban that you want to make a table for (maximum is 100)
  • b is the minimum score that you want to look for
  • c is the maximum score that you want to look for
  • d is the amount of days you want to look back on (maximum is 30)

Example: $$snakeban,15,1,50,20$$ would find and rank any scores for 15-hour snakebans that fell between 1 and 50 seconds, and were completed in the last 20 days.

