
From neox4t wiki

Currently, this power has ongoing issues documented within the bug tracker.

Property "Bug tracker" (as page type) with input value " bug tracker" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.With this power, you can add a custom poll beside your chat.

To use this power, assign it to your chat group and then hover over "group" at the top right of your chat and click "customize". Alternatively, you can use the direct edit group link. Once you've entered your chat password, visit the group powers tab and find Vote. Then click the blue "edit" button and enter your poll's question and answers. Click "OK" once finished and then "save" at the bottom of the page.

You can also change what the text says. For example: instead of "Vote now" you can say "NOTE: YOU MAY ONLY VOTE ONCE!".

  • Note: If you want to limit the users who can vote to only be registered, set "Can not be registered" to a higher rank than what you have set on "Can vote".

You can also set its background image. Sizes are: W=425 H=600.

