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An example of a Goodfriend.
An example of a Goodfriend with a sound enabled.

Goodfriend allows you to make users on your Friends list into "good" friends. Good friends will appear higher on your Visitors and Friends list than your regular friends. They will not appear higher than users who are of a higher rank than them.

To make a friend into a Goodfriend, first click the user and press “Add as Friend”, you will then receive a popup where you can select the option to add the user as a Goodfriend. If you wish to make an existing friend into a Goodfriend, you may click the user and press "Edit Friend" and then select the option to add the user as a Goodfriend.

You also have an option to assign a sound notification to your good friends. Sounds are heard whenever a Goodfriend sends a message in the chat, as well as in private chats or private messages. This means that if you have the chat sounds muted and the Noaudies power enabled, you are still able to hear a sound whenever one of your Goodfriends posts a message.

Customizing sounds

An example of setting Goodfriend audies.

Goodfriend also allows you to customize which sounds you want to hear whenever a notification goes off.

You may set a default sound for all of your Goodfriends by going to your Account Settings and navigating to the Powers tab where you may set the audie you wish to hear for all Goodfriends in the "Goodfriend all" field.

You may also set custom sounds for specific Goodfriends. This can be done by entering the ID of the Goodfriend followed by the sound you wish to hear in the "Goodfriend list" field.

It is also possible to set sounds for multiple Goodfriends. This can be done by separating each ID and audie combination with commas.

  • Example: 42#screamman,5003276#burp

Please note that if you only change the sound for certain Goodfriends, the default sound will stay the same for the rest. You can view a list of all of the available audies here.