
From neox4t wiki
Revision as of 20:32, 9 September 2023 by Art (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)

Currently, this power has ongoing issues documented within the bug tracker.

Property "Bug tracker" (as page type) with input value "https://forum.neox4t.com/bug-tracker/powers/hug-powers-currently-unavailable-r862/ bug tracker" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Halloscroll is a smiley power and a hug power.

Sending a hug in main chat costs 10 x4ts per hug and a total of 20 hugs can be sent in 24 hours.

Sending hugs in PC is free of charge and there are no limits on usage.

You can send a hug to a specific user and show it on the main chat.

To do so, send the following command in PC; it costs 10 x4ts: /hugall hug_name.

Sending a hug:

  • /hug halloscroll Your message here#optional color code


You can change the text quality with the following options: #none, #glow, #knock and #blur.

To customize the hug, add:

  • #s12-70: To change the size of the text.
Default: 48
  • #c0-46: To change the size of a complete cycle (width) of the wave of text.
Default: 10
  • #a0.5-10: To change the amplitude (height) of the wave of text.
Default: 2.5

For example, the following code produces the second hug as shown above: /hug halloscroll testing ...#s20#c10#a3

The font used within the hug is ScoobyFont.

