
From neox4t wiki

Link is a group power that allows you to add custom links to your chat group.

How to add links to your group

File:Links Manager Application.png
Links manager application

First, assign the power to your chat. Then, click the "edit" button next to the Link description in your group settings.

This will lead to a links manager application for you to easily add or edit links:

  • The left column is the name of the link you wish to display.
  • The right column is for the link code (see below).
  • To add links, click "add a link" or the "x" button to remove one. When you are done, be sure to click "save".

Note: All link names must be lowercase, or they will not function properly.

How to retrieve link codes

You will need to visit this website to generate your shortened links. Once you shorten a link, you will have a link that looks something like this:

Next, remove "" and copy the code that follows. This is the code you will need to enter in the right column of the links manager application.

For example, if you wanted to link "help" in your chat, you would first visit this website to shorten You would then enter "help" in the left column and "1fKpPeB" in the right column of the links manager application.