
From neox4t wiki

Manage is a group power that allows you to manage users on your chat.

When it is assigned, you have the ability to save and restore ranks on your chat.

Backup users

To backup your chat's CSV, hover over "group" at the top right and click "customize". Enter your chat password and go to the "miscellaneous" tab and you will find the "backup" button.

Note: You must use the chat password to access the "miscellaneous" tab, using your account password will not work.

If you're looking for regular automated backups, then see: Backup.


Your neox4t group backup is saved in an .neox4tu file; this includes all your staff (members, mods, owners, main owners), guests and banned users.

To edit your neox4tu file, right click and open with Notepad. Make sure to keep ".neox4tu" format otherwise it will not work.

Entries are using the following format: User ID,Reserved,Time,Power ID,Reserved,Rank,Forever Ban,Ban Status,Mod History,Dunce/Badge/Naughtystep/Yellowcard,

  • User ID
  • Reserved - Ignore this, but do not remove it otherwise you will break the CSV. Leave it blank.
  • Time - You can convert, alter, make longer or reduce ban time for example. See below for information on how to get the time code.
  • Power ID - You can edit in case you want to gameban a user. For example, set it to 134 for snakeban and set the user as banned. Otherwise leave it as 0.
  • Reserved - Ignore this again, but do not remove it otherwise you will break the CSV. Just set it to 0.
  • Rank - Allowed values: guest, tempmember, member, tempmod, mod, sinbin, tempowner, owner and main owner.
  • Forever Ban - Either leave blank or set as forever to forever ban a user. Allowed values: blank, forever.
  • Ban Status - Allowed values: blank, banned, gagged, muted.
  • Mod History - Allowed values: blank, wasmod.
  • Dunce/Badge/Naughtystep/Yellowcard - Allowed values: blank, dunced, badge, naughty, yellow, red.

Example of 4 neox4tu lines:

  • 1461971482,,1414172247,0,2,guest,,,,,
  • 1462485906,,1414172247,0,2,guest,,,,,
  • 1472039264,,1414756425,0,4608,guest,,gagged,,dunced,
  • 1473774400,,1414621683,0,130,guest,forever,,,,

Note: Leaving a value blank means that you omit it from the CSV. However, you must still put commas between where that value was supposed to be.

For example, if you want to create a 1 hour snakebanned guest with ID number 1111 that has no mod history and dunce/badge/naughtystep/yellowcard, the line would be:


See below for information on converting times. The one used in the example above (1414867082) will not apply in the future as the system checks the current time against the time code you put in. So if you want a 1 hour ban, you set the current time code higher by an hour and use that.

In case of a ban the rank time is when it will end. This way you can also ban users manually and choose when it will end (by altering the user neox4tu line with notepad).

CSV Editor

CSV Editor is a tool used to conveniently create and edit .neox4tu files.

Restore users

To restore your chat (staff, banned statuses etc) you need your .neox4tu file. To upload it, click the file upload after clicking the "backup" button on the edit chat page.

Use kickall power to update the chat in case you put a new neox4tu. A single ID can sign out and in (refresh) and its rank or any other changes made will be updated.

Note: There is a file size limit of 256 kilobytes. This means that you will be unable to restore your file if it surpasses that limit.


Go to then enter the 2nd part of numbers 1414172247 (see example 3).