
From neox4t wiki
  • This power allows you to redirect your chat to another chat when the power is assigned.

To use this power, assign it to your chat group and then hover over "group" at the top right of your chat and click "customize". Once you've entered your chat password, visit the group powers tab and find Redirect. Then click the blue "edit" button and enter into the box the chat name you want the group to be redirected to. Click "OK" once finished and then "save" at the bottom of the page.

  • Note: Due to caching it may take up to 10 minutes for the chat to redirect.

If you want to undo the redirect, use the direct edit group link, enter your chat password, visit the group powers tab and you can disable Redirect power there.

  • If you need help unassigning powers on a redirected chat, see here.

