
From neox4t wiki

Whitelist is a group power that allows you to whitelist domains so guests can send links (URLs) in your chat.

How to use

First, assign the power to your chat. Then, click the "edit" button next to the Whitelist description in your group settings.

Editing whitelisted domains

This will open a window that allows you to whitelist specific domains:

  • The left column is the domain you wish to whitelist in the chat.
  • The right column allows you to choose if the domain is whitelisted for "registered" guests only. By default, it is set to "all", meaning that both unregistered and registered guests can send the links.
  • You can add domains by clicking the "add a domain" button or remove them using the "x" button. To edit a domain, simply overwrite the text within that box. Once you are finished, click "save".

Frequently asked questions

What is a domain?

A domain is the name of a website. It usually appears after www. in web addresses. Some examples include neox4t.com, google.com and youtube.com.

If I whitelist neox4t.com, do I have to add the forum and chat names?

No. Anything that is added before or after the domain, e.g. forum.neox4t.com, neox4t.com/help or neox4t.com/store will also work.

Does this power only apply to guests?

Yes. All other chat ranks (member, moderator, main/owner) can send any links they want in the chat.